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“for certain excellence and exceptional forward movement of any organization or collective, it is critically more important to give people access to all information regarding the relational positions of others in their environment, all while keep operating in that environment, than taking people out of the environment and help them reflect on their position in it”

Jef Teugels – cofounder of the R-Network

The R-Network was founded in 2022 by enthusiasts of organizational theory and of relational communication, metacognitive psychology and behavior. Right when new proven and tested methods and technologies for mass relational conversation came available that can help any organized collective to realize more value and more relational and environment control by transferring leadership and organization and process control to loyal people inside and outside.


R-Network participants believe that the biggest problem of today is not poverty, war or climate change, but people’s inability to converse and organize at scale in ways that human interests are not harmed, and in ways that exceptional outcomes and progression is realized in the eyes of all present and around (so: “creating exceptional forward movement in objective terms”).


R-Network participants share passion, and exchange visions and insights, and develop frameworks and services around 4 core challenges of mass forward movement at any moment and all the time:

  • keeping all conversation ongoing and keeping all ongoing conversational, and thus make sure that all people of all levels see them being taken seriously on all matters that affect them and their collective(s)
  • safely mapping and exchanging information on all people’s real relational positions in moving environments, those that reveal their real thoughts, activities and constraints while performing expected in-role behaviors 
  • understanding the universal human dynamics that underpin and connect all systems of relational governance in collectives and communities, and that drive people to significantly enhance and propel relationships, operations and events 
  • relationally aligning and moving collectives, and all individuals in them, without any need for people persuasion, trust, learning from failure, fear induction, behavioral manipulation, given organization, and especially without a need for institutionalized leadership in the hands of one or few.


We know that starting to ever better resolve these challenges and questions requires insight in at least 3 independently interdependent disciplines

  • Relational Meta Cognition (RMC): the subdomain of cognitive sciences that pertains to our sense of forward movement of ourselves and of the people and things around us, and how we assume co-responsibility in our environments for heightened overall success, which primarily evolves around all people’s capacity not just to relate with moving wholes, but also to live in parallel and independently nested realities around a set of ongoing communications, programs, behaviors and events, and the capacity to see and fill the missing, alone and/or together
  • Unconditional Loyalty (UL): the exhaustive set of behaviors that guarantee perpetuated relationship and meta conversation, and perceptions of loyalty that trigger exceptional behaviors for the good of people, organization, and environment 
  • Blank Sheet Intelligence (BSI): the capacity to connect with any person at any moment and form a shield of protection and excellence around the environment that people find themselves in, and the ability to source the mass of people around for better workable strategies, more accountable commitment and relational goodwill to always keep things moving


We would be honored to welcome you as a participant learner, and to meanwhile learn about your unique experiences and insights with these or related topics. That’s the only reason why this safe and facilitated network platform of scientists, practitioners, professionals and idealists was created. Participation comes at a small personal facilitation fee, or for free if you have low or no income/assets and high motivation and contribution potential.


Participation in the R-Network is anonymous until you and other parties agree to be disclosed to each other based on the specific content and characteristics of the knowledge, experience and arguments that they share with their mass relational facilitator. One facilitator is assigned to each participant after a brief informal matching process, and can be changed at any moment


R-Network Participants exchange, consolidate and monetize their insights and experiences through a set of network services and initiatives promoted on this website in which they and invited third parties take part.


Be welcome.


Dr Olaf Hermans – cofounder of the R-Network