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story teller for collectivity awareness: hosting events, workshops and trainings for members of your organization, platform, institute or association

It would be fantastic to see you host events and programs in large organizations for people to acknowledge that truly disruptive and lasting innovations and goodwill behaviors often come from people with atypical profiles who are resilient enough to withstand the pressures and mundane or even mediocre ways of working of incumbent powers and organizations. Showing them how “the fantastic” is a quality that can be added to any organization, program, or process or event in-execution. In real-time by bifurcating ongoing action and reflection, and by timely reintegrating the ideas of one stream of thought and action into the other one. Sharing cases and stories to make people aware that real and exceptional and unexpected success rarely is the outcome of a linear planning and implementation process but of people individually and collectively salvaging and lifting such planning and execution processes.

Sign-up as a participant of the R-Network to hire and learn from, or you yourself become a great ambassador and presenter representing the R-Network and all its knowledge, insights and know-how.

When signing up as an R-network participant on this website, individuals are required to read the book ‘Co-Leadership: the ubiquitous process of all that is missing’ to gain deeper insights into the principles of co-leadership and its application within the network. Additionally, participants must adhere to the free training of ‘R’ (mass-R-elating), encompassing all aspects of understanding, executing, and embodying loyalty towards and by all individuals, engaging in relational conversations at scale.